Saturday, 7 May 2016

Industrialist Anil Jain History

Industrialist Anil Jain’s father and uncle came to Chennai in 1960 and started with an Auto Finance business. Over the period of time business had gradually moved up to trading in Industrial Stainless Steel. In 1976 they had started Madras Metals and Bombay metals in 1980. In mid 90’s Anil’s father has pioneered in initiating Bombay Metals.

During School days, he used to get paid Rs.15 for counting the collections of the firm at the end of the day. He slowly started learning the trade and started helping his father. During College days he had even sold Jeans and T-Shirts. According to him, accountability is very much important. He didn’t even mind carrying out basic jobs.  The environment in which he had spent his childhood days was that he had to earn his own way for his standard of living.

This made him independent from an early age. My vision came to alive after meeting with one of my customers, when I was exposed to a new product – Refrigerant Gas. A bit of research and he knew his big vision was at hand. He was able to foresee an exponential growth in the business of HFC gases, as by 2010 the use of HFC gases would be mandatory as per the Montreal Protocol.

There has been no look back since then.

His next vision is to establish a global footprint. As a first step he had taken majority stake in a Singapore-based company called Kaltech Engineering and Refrigeration Pvt Ltd, which was not very successful. So he had exited from this in 2011. During the same period, he also started Refex Energy Limited at home, which was focused on Solar Energy. His desire and vision drives him to the path of success.

His biggest strength is his team of people. He is always for them, personally and professionally.

Industrialist Anil Jain’s words to budding entrepreneurs: Be practical and pragmatic about whatever you do. Once you see the worth of something, take it forward, no matter what.

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