Sunday, 12 June 2016

Industrialist Anil Jain told How to Arrest Refrigerant Gas Leaks in an ISO Tank

Arresting refrigerant gas leaks in an ISO tank is very important as the outcome will be unimaginable. Mr. Anil Gain explains in a simple and understandable way how to arrest refrigerant gas leaks in an ISO tanks. This article would definitely be informative and effective.

Generally, ISO Tanks are developed based on the regulations of international codes for transporting large volumes of liquids via land or water. Some ISO tanks are equipped with refrigerants to carry products requiring temperature control. Such containers are highly dangerous as they may carry non-hazardous as well as hazardous substances. Even a small blunder can lead to great disaster! One of the reasons that can lead to destruction is the leakage of refrigerant gases from ISO tanks. If the leakage problem is not detected at the initial stage, the effect of damage is unimaginable. Mr. Anil Jain, CEO of Refex Industries Limited, has given valuable precautionary steps to detect and arrest refrigerant gas leaks.

Anil Jain Refrigerant Leakage Detection – Simple Ways

Here are some of the check-lists suggested by Anil Jain to identify leakage of refrigerant gas from ISO tanks:

  • It is necessary to ‘check the physical condition of tank’ for any damage caused during transportation or improper handling.
  • It is very important to ‘check whether the safety valve has been closed and sealed properly’.
  • Ensure to ‘compare the operating pressure with tank pressure’ indicated on the tank. If your tank pressure is found to be low, there is possibility for gas leakage.
  • For safer side, it is always good to ‘weigh the tank’ before transporting. Reduction in the quantity of refrigerant reduces the tank weight. Immediately, follow the instructions of Anil Jain arrest ways and prevent damage.
  • If you suspect any area for leak, just ‘pour soap water’ on the suspected area and check for bubble formation. No bubbles, no leaks!

Anil Jain Gases Leakage - Arresting Measures

Here are some of the ways suggested by Anil Jain to arrest refrigerant gas leakage:

  • Immediately close the valve tightly once the leak is identified.
  • Carefully discharge the entire refrigerant into a new tank through appropriate pumps as recommended by the technician or manufacturer.
  • If possible, condense the remaining vapour so as to empty the tank.
  • Finally, the most important point to follow is that all the above mentioned activities should be performed only by qualified technicians.

Anil Jain ISO Tank Leakage - Precautionary Measures

Here are some of the precautionary measures to follow before loading the refrigerants in ISO containers:

  • First, check whether the ISO tank is suitable for filing that particular refrigerant because different refrigerants have varying chemical, physical and technical properties and do not suit all types of tank. Hence, it is necessary to choose the right refrigerant for the right tank or make suitable modifications in the tank.
  • The approval of tank by the license issuing authority must be done before the expiry date. Make sure the vessel is inspected thoroughly and certified by the authorities.

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