Thursday, 28 July 2016

How to Arrest Refrigerant Gas Leaks in Cans by Anil Jain

Do you want to know how to arrest refrigerant gas leaks in cans? Read the article which explains Anil Jain’s ways to arrest refrigerant leaks as he is an expertise in refrigerant domain for several years. Read the article of Anil Jain and become precautious and secure environment.

Refrigerant gases are threat to the society, if mishandled wrongly. For the past 5 to 6 decades, Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are being used as refrigerants to create air-conditioning and refrigerating effects. Recently, it was identified that CFCs are the most destructive element of the environment. It is regarded as the major causative for ozone layer depletion contributing to global warming (greenhouse effect).

At present large quantities of CFCs filled refrigerant cans are used in a number of air-conditioning and refrigerating systems. Although the movement of refrigerant happens in an enclosed cycle, leakages escape and affect the ozone layer. The most disgusting fact about the refrigerant gases is that they possess remarkably longer atmospheric life. This indicates that if CFCs are leaked in the environment, they may tend to deplete the ozone layer for the next 10 decades. Mr. Anil Jain, CEO of Refex Refrigerant Limited, works for ozone diplomacy in saving the society by suggesting refrigerant leak arresting techniques.

Anil Jain Gases Leak Detection Techniques
Any type of methods can be undertaken for both initial test and follow-up verification to cope strong professional judgment. The leak has to be identified and fixed as soon as possible to prevent environmental damage. Some of the simple tests to detect refrigerant leaks include:

  • A soap bubble test: If you suspect gas leakage, just pour soap solution on the unit. If bubbles are formed, the leakage is confirmed and necessary steps can be implemented to overcome the problem.
  • Electronic leak detectors: An electronic leak detector is a device that produces audio-visual signals when brought near the leakage area. Before the leak spreads all over, the refrigerant gas must be emptied at the easiest.
  • Ultrasonic leak detectors: An ultrasonic leak detector is a user-friendly, superior quality, sensitive device helping to detect air leaks through ultrasound. Such type of detector helps to identify the location of leak more precisely.
  • A pressure test: It involves filling the container with air and monitoring the increase or decrease in pressure for a specified time period. If pressure decreases, it denotes the presence of leak. Any cracks, split seams, holes, porosity or other conditions causing leaks can be detected by this method.
  • Other methods to detect include a vacuum test or fluorescent dye and black light test, an infrared test, and a near infrared (back scatter absorption gas imaging) test.

Anil Jain Arrest Measures: Simple and Mandatory

  1. Ensure that refrigerant cans are in good condition with caps to seal.
  2. Make sure that the caps fit properly to the can. If the cap seems to be loose fitting, immediately change the can at the earliest.
  3. Always store in a place specified by the manufacturer. Temperature places a major role in causing leakage of gas. If the can is to be stored in cool places, it must never be kept in place where the sunlight falls directly.
  4. Do not beat or drop the can at any cost.
  5. If the handling process involves technical advice, seek for it rather than experimenting.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Industrialist Anil Jain Present the Brew Award to Sakina Khatun

Anil Jain, Refex Energy Managing Director present the Brew Award to Sakina Khatun the powerlifter who won bronze in Weightlifting at 2014 Commonwealth games at a glittering awards ceremony in Chennai last night where 10 deserving women were recognised and awarded by Brew.

Wonderful evening at Brew Awards with Sameer Bharat Ram and Shri Anil Jain. For Womens day Refex Energy instituted the "Wassup Women of substance" award this year at Brew Awards for recognizing and honoring exemplary women. This years award winner is Sakina Khatun the powerlifter who won bronze in Weightlifting at 2014 Commonwealth games. Heres to celebrating all the superwomen like Sakina on Womens day.

Saturday, 23 July 2016

DRI Authorizes Anil Jain of Refex Refrigerants to buy R22 Refrigerants

Anil Jain is the Founder & MD, Refex Refrigerants. Through his hard work and vision, he had spotted the business of the future – Refrigerant gas.

He always wanted to be an entrepreneur from his young age. His vision had come when he got a chance of meeting with one of his customers. He got exposed to a new product – refrigerant gas. He was able to see an exponential growth in the business of HFC gases by 2010, the use of HFC gases would be mandatory as per the Montreal Protocol.

Anil Jain of Refex has been Authorized by DRI and customs to buy Refrigerant R22 Seized and detained by them. With his various processes of Arrest of Refrigerant gases he has attained expertise in this. He is authorized by DRI and Customs to buy the Refrigerant R22 which is ozone depleting Nd series by customs and DRI’s through miss declaration of imports or smuggling of these refrigerant gases. His article on arrest of Refrigerant gases has got him name and fame.

Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Commerce and Industries through PESO has authorized the Refex plant to buy smuggled and miss declared imported R22 from DRI and Customs and dispose them off by destroying the disposable cylinders and exporting the R22 to other counties which are part of Montreal protocol and authorized to import these refrigerants.

Import of R22 is restricted and any smuggled R22 can't be sold in open market by DRI sleuths or Customs officials after seizure. These needs to be disposed of by an agency who is authorized to purchase the Smuggled R22 from DRI and customs sleuths. Refex, managed by Anil Jain is authorized to do so.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Industrialist Anil Jain's Refex Industries Flood Relief Activities in Chennai & Cuddalore

Industrialist Anil Jain’s Refex Industries with Wasssup on demand together collected clothes both new and old for distribution for flood relief Chennai and Cuddalore.

All old which are in very good condition are washed and iron using the Wassup on demand infrastructure and distributed to the people in slum in Chennai and Cuddalore.

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Anil Jain explain Arrest of Electric Shock in Solar Panels

Many are unaware of the shocks that happen in solar panels; Mr. Anil Jain helps us how to arrest electric shocks in solar panels by being cautious in handling them. This explains the experience of Anil Jain in preventing the common accidents that occur in solar panels.

Around the globe, renewable energy is considered as the “Energy for Future” and particularly, the solar energy is contributing much in replacing fossil fuels. Sun is the chief source of energy and it is possible to convert sunlight directly into electricity with the help of solar panels. Nowadays, solar panels have become so reliable in saving the electricity bills to greater extent. With increase in usage of solar panels, manufacturers, contractors, traders, technicians, engineers and customers must collaborate in creating shock-free solar panels.

According to Anil Jain Refex Refrigerants Limited CEO, there are important safety measures that need to be adhered during the installation of solar panels. He assures that such safe installation methods prevent people from coming into contact with potentially lethal DC voltages. As a standard installation (safe) practice, one must run and terminate both ends of the solar DC cable between the array junction box and the DC Isolator first before starting to electrically connect the solar panels. This is followed by “plugging in” each panel to the string as well as to the PV extension lead, if used.

If two strings are being connected in parallel, ensure that no panels are plugged in until all DC terminations are complete. If necessary, tag the other array plugs outside. This will eliminate the chance of an electric shock occurring due to back-feed from the other string. Finally, it is mandatory to ensure that the PV cables are correctly restrained to prevent movement. Despite proper attention, accidents are prone to occur because certain important steps are frequently missed or skipped during the installation of PV systems.

Technicians must properly test all cables with appropriate tools before touching them. Not all volt-sticks work on DC current, and so a correct voltmeter must be used all the times. It is imperative that all tradesmen utilise and train technicians in applying the right isolation procedures. Technicians must also communicate effectively with the tradesman throughout the job process. They must remember that electric shock may tend to throw someone from roof leading to major injuries or at times death. Hence, it is always better to use appropriate ‘Fall Prevention Equipment’ to avoid extreme damage. Remember, your life is worth more than a solar panel!

Anil Jain Arrest of Solar Panels Shocks – Useful Recommendations

  • Personnel protective equipment (PPE) to be worn by the technicians before carrying out the activity.
  • ‘Risk Assessment Checklist’ must be completed by the technicians.
  • The installation of module should be carried out by qualified and experienced technicians.
  • All tools and equipment must be tested and certified periodically as per compliance.
  • Make use of appropriate safety insulated equipment approved for electrical installation processes. All others must be omitted strictly.
  • Avoid wearing metallic watchbands, earrings, finger rings or nose rings and other metallic gadgets while troubleshooting or installing photovoltaic systems.

General Recommendations to Avoid Accidents

  • Never use mirrors to artificially direct sunlight on the module.
  • Do not try to disassemble the module at any cost.
  • Never place heavy objects on solar panels.
  • Warn children and make them aware of the danger associated with solar panels.

To know more about Anil Jain Refex Refrigerant Limited, kindly visit or

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

DRI Authorizes Anil Jain of Refex Refrigerants to buy R22 Refrigerants - Video

DRI Authorizes Anil Jain of Refex Refrigerants to buy R22 Refrigerants. Anil Jain is the Founder & MD, Refex Refrigerants. Through his hard work and vision, he had spotted the business of the future – Refrigerant gas.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Industrialist Anil Jain told How to Arrest Refrigerant Gas Leaks in an ISO Tank

Arresting refrigerant gas leaks in an ISO tank is very important as the outcome will be unimaginable. Mr. Anil Gain explains in a simple and understandable way how to arrest refrigerant gas leaks in an ISO tanks. This article would definitely be informative and effective.

Generally, ISO Tanks are developed based on the regulations of international codes for transporting large volumes of liquids via land or water. Some ISO tanks are equipped with refrigerants to carry products requiring temperature control. Such containers are highly dangerous as they may carry non-hazardous as well as hazardous substances. Even a small blunder can lead to great disaster! One of the reasons that can lead to destruction is the leakage of refrigerant gases from ISO tanks. If the leakage problem is not detected at the initial stage, the effect of damage is unimaginable. Mr. Anil Jain, CEO of Refex Industries Limited, has given valuable precautionary steps to detect and arrest refrigerant gas leaks.

Anil Jain Refrigerant Leakage Detection – Simple Ways

Here are some of the check-lists suggested by Anil Jain to identify leakage of refrigerant gas from ISO tanks:

  • It is necessary to ‘check the physical condition of tank’ for any damage caused during transportation or improper handling.
  • It is very important to ‘check whether the safety valve has been closed and sealed properly’.
  • Ensure to ‘compare the operating pressure with tank pressure’ indicated on the tank. If your tank pressure is found to be low, there is possibility for gas leakage.
  • For safer side, it is always good to ‘weigh the tank’ before transporting. Reduction in the quantity of refrigerant reduces the tank weight. Immediately, follow the instructions of Anil Jain arrest ways and prevent damage.
  • If you suspect any area for leak, just ‘pour soap water’ on the suspected area and check for bubble formation. No bubbles, no leaks!

Anil Jain Gases Leakage - Arresting Measures

Here are some of the ways suggested by Anil Jain to arrest refrigerant gas leakage:

  • Immediately close the valve tightly once the leak is identified.
  • Carefully discharge the entire refrigerant into a new tank through appropriate pumps as recommended by the technician or manufacturer.
  • If possible, condense the remaining vapour so as to empty the tank.
  • Finally, the most important point to follow is that all the above mentioned activities should be performed only by qualified technicians.

Anil Jain ISO Tank Leakage - Precautionary Measures

Here are some of the precautionary measures to follow before loading the refrigerants in ISO containers:

  • First, check whether the ISO tank is suitable for filing that particular refrigerant because different refrigerants have varying chemical, physical and technical properties and do not suit all types of tank. Hence, it is necessary to choose the right refrigerant for the right tank or make suitable modifications in the tank.
  • The approval of tank by the license issuing authority must be done before the expiry date. Make sure the vessel is inspected thoroughly and certified by the authorities.

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Anil Jain's Refex Energy Ltd has Commissioned 2 Solar PV Plant in Rajasthan and Telangana

Anil Jain’s Refex Energy Ltd, one of India’s leading Solar EPC companies in terms of cumulative EPC installations, has commissioned 2 solar PV plant aggregating to 18 MWp in the states of Rajasthan and Telangana. The Telangana project for Aditya Birla Group, one of India’s biggest IPP for Solar, is a 11 MWp deploying Poly-Silicon modules and Central Inverters. The second plant of capacity 7 MWp was constructed for Ghodawat Group in two parts, 4 MW in May and 3 MW in September. The plant marks Ghodawat Group’s first foray in the solar sector.

“In both the plants we have used tier – 1 equipments and deployed best engineering practices.” said Mr. Arun Mehta, CEO, Refex Energy Ltd. These solar plants takes the total commissioned tally for Refex to 80 MW spread across 6 different states. The company, aggressively building up market share in the Indian Solar EPC industry, has another 40MW expected to be commissioned by December 2014.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Anil Jain's Refex Energy Ltd. has successfully commissioned a 10 MWp solar plant in Kolayat region in Rajasthan

Anil Jain's Refex Energy Ltd., the country’s fourth largest EPC company in terms of market share, (Source: Bridge to India Solar Map 2014) has successfully commissioned a 10 MWp solar plant in Kolayat region in Rajasthan. The Solar PV project deploys Canadian Solar poly-crystalline modules and Schneider Central Inverter and is owned by Trimex Sands Pvt. Ltd, India's top specialty value chain provider for industrial minerals. The Mining - Minerals - Real Estate conglomerate is based out of Chennai and has recently forayed into the renewable energy sector. The plant was commissioned on 30th September 2014 enabling the Group to avail of full accelerated depreciation benefit.

Speaking during the event, Mr. Anil Jain, Managing Director, Refex Energy Ltd. said, “We are extremely happy on commissioning Trimex Group’s third Solar Project. We have also commissioned two other plants for Trimex Group’s captive requirement and are extremely happy to have been entrusted with the job for the third time.”

Mr. Pradeep Koneru, Managing Director, Trimex Sands Pvt. Ltd. spoke at length on the occasion, “Refex has been chosen by the Trimex Group as its preferred EPC partner. We have executed 2 projects with them and are happy with their capability and on-time execution of the projects. We look forward to partner with them in all our future Renewable endeavors and wish them all the luck and success.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Anil Jain Refex Refrigerant Superior Quality And Resilient

Anil Jain Refex Refrigerant Industries is one of the leading distributors of refrigerant gases all over India. The main goal of the company is to manufacture eco-friendly gases replacing the most dreadful agents such as chlorofluro carbons (CFCs). The products of the company are mainly used as foam blowing agents, refrigerants and aerosol propellants. Refex Refrigerants shows utmost dedication in retaining their reputation with respect to safety and health of the society and environment. Their prime motive is attaining success without sparing the safety factor of the surrounding atmosphere.

The industry is headed by Anil Jain, respectable and successful manufacturer of refrigerant gases. The quality of the products can be valued from the years of experience he has dedicated himself for the growth of the company. He has been thriving hard for about 9 years to overcome the problems encountered by refrigerant gases. Anil Jain takes priceless efforts in educating the public about the hazards of refrigerant gases and their effects upon ozone layer. His intension is to avoid accidents of refrigerant gases that may happen due to carelessness and mishandling of refrigerant cans and cylinders. Anil Jain’s knowledge is not restricted to refrigerants domain, it extends even to the field of solar power generation.

Each of Refex customers are provided with an analysis certificate that confirms the standard and quality of their products. They take complete care in ensuring the safety of customer while refilling the gases. The refilled products are tested and certified before and after completion of the process in highly advanced laboratory. RIL has received the ISO 9001-2000 certification from TUV-SUD, Germany. Anil Jain Refex Refrigerant Industry is equipped with cutting-edge and highly advanced technological devices that meet the standard of quality and safety of products. Refex team is the only reason for the success and popularity of the products. Each employee of Refex is a gift to the company who work passionately to reach the goals.

The goals of Anil Jain Refex Refrigerant Industries are not constrained to just quality of products; they go beyond boundaries in meeting the competitive edge and expectations of clients. They tend to serve both their clients and society with proper balance of quality and safety. Three main reasons for the success and growth of the company include professionalism in work process, commitment to work and loyalty to people. 

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Industrialist Anil Jain Investments

Industrialist Anil Jain is a Managing director at Refex Refrigerants Ltd/Refex Energy Ltd. In his Personal capacity, Industrialist Anil Jain has been nurturing start ups and mentoring them towards growth. Anil Jain has put his investments in 2 Startups I Love Diamonds Pvt Limited, which is into online Jewelry with name “”. The business and website is officially getting launched on 28th August 2015. Apart from selling Jewelry online, its also planning to set up trust stores across the country. 3 of the stores are already up in Bangalore, Chennai and Coimbatore. The investment is to the tune of 1Million USD.

Industrialist Anil Jain’s next Investment is into a Laundry business in the company called The Laundry Project Private Limited, running under brand name “wassup”. They are in the business of commercial and Retail Laundry with operations in Chennai, Kochi, Bangalore and Delhi, starting soon in Mumbai. Anil Jain is one of the biggest investor after the promoters. Currently HNI’s including, B.S.Nagesh, non-executive vice-chairman of Shoppers Stop, former Barclays India chief executive Mani Subramanian, Ranga Iyer, former MD of pharma major Wyeth India and Arun Chandra Mohan and Praveen Sinha, founders of Jabongg are other investors in this venture. The investment in this is close to 0.65Million USD.

Anil Jain has in principally signed 2 more investment in Online Insurance and Management cum Business Intelligence Companies, Due diligence of both are under process and will be closed by end of September. The total investments in these companies will be close to 1.4Million USD.

Apart from the above investments, Industrialist Anil Jain has outlined another 3 Million USD to be invested in other startups in various fields over the next 12 months. Apart from just financial investments, he brings in a strong team to the companies to help them transform a family owned or a single person owned businesses to Corporates, his team is an expert in Business and Companies transformations by building Systems, SoP’s, KPI’s etc., these helps Company scale very fast and adapt to the fast growing business environment. Industrialist Anil Jain’s team also sets up trainings and brings in external consultants from various fields to help in decision makings and sign off for the business plans.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Saving the Society by Arresting Ozone Depletion by Anil Jain

Industrialist Anil Jain approaches to capture refrigerant gas leaks in cans, ISO tanks as he is having immersed knowledge in refrigerant space for quite a long time.

A Refrigerant is a substance or mixture, usually a fluid, used in a heat pump and refrigeration cycle. In most cycles it undergoes phase transitions from a liquid to a gas and back again. Many fluids have been used for such purposes. Fluorocarbons especially chlorofluorocarbons, became commonplace in the 20th century, but they are being phased out because of their ozone depletion effects.

CFCs have a lifetime of about 20 to 100 years, and consequently one free chlorine atom from a CFC molecule can do a lot of damage, destroying ozone molecules for a long time.  Although they are both nontoxic and very useful, CFCs damage the ozone layer, the thin layer of Earth’s upper atmosphere that absorbs UV light from the sun. Because UV light can cause skin cancer in humans, damage to the ozone layer has serious possible consequences for the society.

It is regarded as the major cause for ozone layer depletion contributing to global warming (green house effect).

Now days large quantities of CFCs filled refrigerant cans, cylinders, ISO tanks etc., This indicates that if CFCs are leaked in the environment, it will cause major effect to the society.

Mr .Anil Jain, CEO of Refex Refrigerant Limited, works for ozone diplomacy in saving the society by suggesting refrigerant leak arresting techniques.

Mr. Anil Jain works for the ozone diplomacy in suggesting ways which helps the society to know about the refrigerant release capturing procedures. His Gases leak detection methods and preventing measures can be undertaken for both initial test and follow - up verification, so that it can be identified at the earlier stage and fixed as soon as possible.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Anil Jain Refex Energy said Setting up solar plants more expensive in Tamil Nadu

Anil Jain Chairman and Managing Director of the company Refex Energy said Setting up solar plants more expensive in Tamil Nadu. Even as the Tamil Nadu government is trying hard to be seen as India's next solar destination, taxation rules are serving as a hurdle.

"The overall project costs go up, because about 95% of the cost of a solar plant is the equipment while construction cost is very low. And it is the equipment that is taxed. We have petitioned the government but to no avail," Anil Jain, managing director of Refex Energy , said.

Setting up a solar power plant in TN is about 8% more expensive than in other states since companies have to pay between 5% and 14.5% more as taxes while procuring solar equipment, and liaisoning costs are higher.

A company that wants to set up a 10MW solar plant in Tamil Nadu would have to shell out about `3 crore more as the state imposes value added tax (VAT) of 5% on equipment required for solar plants."Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Punjab offer full VAT refund. Tamil Nadu's solar policy offers no such exemption," Dakshinamoorthy Arumugam, director of Marigold Steel and Power, said. 

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Industrialist Anil Jain History

Industrialist Anil Jain’s father and uncle came to Chennai in 1960 and started with an Auto Finance business. Over the period of time business had gradually moved up to trading in Industrial Stainless Steel. In 1976 they had started Madras Metals and Bombay metals in 1980. In mid 90’s Anil’s father has pioneered in initiating Bombay Metals.

During School days, he used to get paid Rs.15 for counting the collections of the firm at the end of the day. He slowly started learning the trade and started helping his father. During College days he had even sold Jeans and T-Shirts. According to him, accountability is very much important. He didn’t even mind carrying out basic jobs.  The environment in which he had spent his childhood days was that he had to earn his own way for his standard of living.

This made him independent from an early age. My vision came to alive after meeting with one of my customers, when I was exposed to a new product – Refrigerant Gas. A bit of research and he knew his big vision was at hand. He was able to foresee an exponential growth in the business of HFC gases, as by 2010 the use of HFC gases would be mandatory as per the Montreal Protocol.

There has been no look back since then.

His next vision is to establish a global footprint. As a first step he had taken majority stake in a Singapore-based company called Kaltech Engineering and Refrigeration Pvt Ltd, which was not very successful. So he had exited from this in 2011. During the same period, he also started Refex Energy Limited at home, which was focused on Solar Energy. His desire and vision drives him to the path of success.

His biggest strength is his team of people. He is always for them, personally and professionally.

Industrialist Anil Jain’s words to budding entrepreneurs: Be practical and pragmatic about whatever you do. Once you see the worth of something, take it forward, no matter what.